11:05, 21/05/2014

More trains on summer schedule

Nha Trang Railway Station has just announced its plan to add trains to its summer schedule...

Nha Trang Railway Station has just announced its plan to add trains to its summer schedule. Specifically, SN3/4 trains from Nha Trang to Sai Gon and vice versa will be added from May 29 to August 2.


SN3 train will depart from Nha Trang at 20:50 and arrive at Saigon at 7: 22. SN4 train will depart from Sai Gon at 21: 25 and arrive at Nha Trang at 7:11.

SN3/4 trains will be allowed to stop at such station as Nha Trang, Thap Cham, Bien Hoa and Sai Gon.

Tickets can be booked online at www.vetau.com.vn, purchased at ticket agents or via (058) 3822 113.