04:06, 25/06/2014

19,328 women offered loans for business purposes

For the first 6 months, Nha Trang City Women's Association has admitted 270,000 new members, created opportunities for 19,328 women to get loans valued at VND183 billion for business purposes and raised VND23 million for its housing fund...

For the first 6 months, Nha Trang City Women’s Association has admitted 270,000 new members, created opportunities for 19,328 women to get loans valued at VND183 billion for business purposes and raised VND23 million for its housing fund.

From now to the end of the year, the association plans to continue its implementation of the project on moral education for women in the national industrialization and modernization period and the project “Parenting education for 5 million mothers” 2014, offered gifts to the disadvantaged, built at least 4 houses for the poor, etc.