06:06, 17/06/2014

Open Scientific Symposium of Interventional Cardiology

The 4th Open Scientific Symposium of Interventional Cardiology was held in Nha Trang City on June 13-15...

The 4th Open Scientific Symposium of Interventional Cardiology was held in Nha Trang City on June 13-15 by Ho Chi Minh City Cardiology Association in association with Ho Chi Minh City General Medical Association and Khanh Hoa General Hospital. Present at the event was Le Xuan Than, Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee.

Le Xuan Than grants certificates of merit to 2 doctors, Vo Thanh Nhan and Truong Viet Van

More than 100 scientific presentations were made on advanced technologies in cardiological treatment by over 700 cardiologists at home and abroad.

Founded in 2009, the Interventional Cardiology Faculty in Khanh Hoa has conducted over 3,700 surgeries.

On this occasion, Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee awarded certificates of merit to Associate Professor, Dr. Vo Thanh Nhan, Chief of Interventional Cardiology Faculty of Cho Ray Hospital and Associate Professor, Dr. Truong Viet Van, former Director of Cho Ray Hospital for their contribution to medical development in Khanh Hoa Province.