08:07, 09/07/2014

6,800 in Nha Trang City sit for second phase of 2014 entrance exam

6,800 candidates in Nha Trang City sat for the second phase of 2014 entrance exam to Nha Trang University...

6,800 candidates in Nha Trang City sat for the second phase of 2014 entrance exam to Nha Trang University on July 9.

The first exam day is for mathematics and biology (Group B); mathematics and English (Group D1); mathematics and French (Group D3).

9 test locations in Nha Trang City include Nguyen Van Troi High School, Nha Trang Teacher Training College, Ly Tu Trong High School, Hoang Van Thu 1 High School, Hoang Van Thu 2 High School and Nha Trang University.