02:02, 03/02/2015

Disability service case management

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids & Social Affairs has issued Circular No. 01/2015/TT-BLDTBXH providing guidance on disability service case management...

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids & Social Affairs has issued Circular No. 01/2015/TT-BLDTBXH providing guidance on disability service case management at social service institutions and in communities.

The circular specifies the case management is the procedure of identifying the needs of the disabled, building assistance plans and coordinating services to help the disabled to integrate into the community.

Accordingly, the case management refers to collecting information; building and implementing support plans; supervising the support plan implementation and evaluating the case management.

Case managers are pubic sector workers or social work collaborators working at social service institutions or in wards, communes and towns.

After collecting information about the disabled and their needs, the case managers evaluate disabled people’s needs for medical care, community integration, vocational training; family and social relation; life skills, employment, psychology, sentiment and others for appropriate assistance.

Based on the evaluation, the case managers establish a positive collaborative relationship with the disabled and their support network, such as family members, organizations and individuals and assist people with disabilities to deal with their problems and achieve their goals.

The case managers are responsible for submitting the support plans to the People’s Committee Chairman at commune-level or leaders of social service institutions for approval. Then, the case managers need to cooperate with commune-level organizations and social service providers to implement the plans.

The assistance includes providing consulting and recommendation for the disabled to get access to providers of medical care, employment, education, etc; connecting with authorities, providers of medical care, employment, education, etc to meet the needs of the disabled; facilitating them to access and benefiting from social aid policies and programs; mobilizing resources for the implementation of support schemes.

Disability case management services aim to assist people with disabilities to become more independent and active in community life.