01:04, 09/04/2015

97.99% vaccination coverage against measles, rubella

Khanh Hoa Health Department has held a ceremony to review the open vaccination campaign against measles and rubella...

Khanh Hoa Health Department has held a ceremony to review the open vaccination campaign against measles and rubella 2014 - 2015.


The campaign ran in Khanh Hoa from September 2014 to March 2015. Over 263,000 children (97.99%) aged between 1 and 14 were vaccinated, exceeding the plan target by 3%.

The vaccination campaign covered 140 communes and wards throughout the province. The coverage rate in Khanh Vinh District reached the highest (98.7%), followed by other communities (over 95%).

The total expenditure for the campaign was over VND2.37 billion, including nearly VND1.7 billion coming from the national budget.