09:05, 22/05/2015

Emulation in teaching and learning

In recent five years, Khanh Hoa Provincial education industry has gained many encouraging achievements in implementing the teaching of Uncle Ho about promoting the emulation in teaching and learning.

In recent five years, Khanh Hoa Provincial education industry has gained many encouraging achievements in implementing the teaching of Uncle Ho about promoting the emulation in teaching and learning.

 In order to make the emulation movement in teaching and learning to become a regular one, the units and schools in the province have often organized emulation sessions. Ly Tu Trong High School (Nha Trang City) built up criteria and evaluation process for teachers and pupils. Basing on the criteria, the teachers need to enhance their professional qualifications; change the teaching methods in order to up hold the positiveness and creativeness of the pupils; educate pupils about kindness and life skills; help pupils to do more self-study. The pupils have been expected to take part in movements launched by the schools and organizations beside studying hard and improving life skills.


The emulation movement in teaching and learning creates driving force to improve educational quality.
The emulation movement in teaching and learning creates driving force to improve educational quality.

Ngo Gia Tu High School (Cam Ranh City) has seen some active changes in management, teaching and learning as well as professional activities. In addition, the school has held many activities such as educating pupils about life skills, offering vocational guidance, setting up subject clubs, taking part in competitions for good teachers, etc.

The educational organizations have done preliminary summing-up and summary for each week, each session, each semester and each object. The officers have been evaluated regularly. The results of each inspection have been used to evaluate and rank the units and officers.

In the emulation movement of teaching and learning, Khanh Hoa Provincial education industry has paid a special attention on discovering and developing new factors and typical collectives. Each level of education has typical collectives which have been selected as flagships of emulation.

In order to socialize education, the provincial education industry has mobilized many businesses and benefactors to give supports to commend and reward typical excellent collectives and individuals.

According to Vo Duc Cao Cuong, vice principal of Huynh Thuc Khang High School (Van Ninh District), the launching of emulation movement and building up typical examples have actively effected the school’s activities, creating driving force for the collectives and individuals to strive more to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

The development of emulation movements has helped to create many active changes in educational quality in the province. The teachers have been trained to meet the criteria and been qualified to meet the requirements of modern education. The facilities have also been standardized and modernized; the environmental landscape in the schools has been increasingly improved; the number of schools has increased by 25 schools compared to 2010; the proposals for new schools and educational establishments have also been implemented actively.