09:07, 21/07/2015

Lifelong learning promotion

Over the past years, Khanh Hoa Study Encouragement Association together with Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training has successfully implemented the project 281 on promoting lifelong learning...

Over the past years, Khanh Hoa Study Encouragement Association together with Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training has successfully implemented the project 281 on promoting lifelong learning till 2020.


The Apartment Block A residential group in Van Thanh Ward, Nha Trang City is one of the outstanding communities in the lifelong learning campaign. 101/108 households registering to join the campaign have been recognized as studious families, accounting for 93.5%; Students graded good have made up 97%; etc. the residential group has had a study encouragement fund to award excellent individuals.


Thai Nguyen Junior High School, Nha Trang City has been chosen as a typical education provider to implement the project 281. The school study encouragement association has mobilized 100% of teachers and staff to join the lifelong learning campaign. 100 scholarships worth VND50 million have been offered to needy students.


In the last school year, the learning model of Thai Nguyen School was highly appreciated by the Study Encouragement Associations of Nha Trang City and Khanh Hoa Province.


According to Bui Thi Hong Tien, Chairperson of Khanh Hoa Study Encouragement Association, since September 2014, 4 lifelong learning models for families, communities and schools have been established, bringing satisfactory results.


Nha Trang City has been designated as a focus community to implement the project 281. Many wards with over 90% of families registering for lifelong learning models have included Van Thanh, Xuong Huan, Phuoc Tien, Phuoc Hoa, etc.


Especially, Van Thanh Ward has had 100% of residential groups recognized as learning communities. Since the beginning of the year, its ward study encouragement fund has reached over VND40 million to finance scholarships and awards offered to students.


In the time to come, Khanh Hoa Study Encouragement Association plans to continue the implementation of the project and expand learning models in Khanh Hoa Province. Outstanding individuals and organizations in the lifelong learning campaign will be honored and awarded, says Bui Thi Hong Tien.


Vinh Thanh
Translated by N.T