11:12, 04/12/2015

Towards 90-90-90 target to end AIDS epidemic in Vietnam

Khanh Hoa Department of Health issued a plan on November 19 to implement the 2015 National Action Month Against HIV/AIDS in Khanh Hoa Province...

Khanh Hoa Department of Health issued a plan on November 19 to implement the 2015 National Action Month Against HIV/AIDS in Khanh Hoa Province.
The program is scheduled to take place throughout Khanh Hoa Province from November 1 to December 10 with numerous activities, including meetings, HIV treatment, testing; regular check-ups, antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS patients; HIV/AIDS prevention an control workshop, propaganda and education to raise public awareness  of benefits of early access to HIV-related care, treatment and support services; addiction treatment using Methadone; mobilize everyone to get engaged in HIV/AIDS prevention and control campaigns in communities; and integrate HIV/AIDS prevention and control into the eradication of such social evils as drug addiction and prostitution.
This year's World AIDS Day is themed "Towards 90-90-90 target to end AIDS epidemic".  Accordingly, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status;  90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy. 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.
It is certainly impossible to end the epidemic without bringing HIV treatment to all who need it. Their lack of HIV-related care, treatment and support services will create obstacles for HIV/AIDS prevention and control strategies.
The increase of the proportion of people living with HIV who know their HIV status is expected to help reduce their risk of unintentionally transmitting HIV to others. Achieving the 2015 target of receiving antiretroviral therapy is among important steps towards the ultimate goal of ending the AIDS epidemic.
Establishing annual benchmarks for knowledge of HIV status, antiretroviral therapy utilization and viral suppression is critical to drive progress towards the new targets in Vietnam by 2030. 
Vietnam announced its commitment to the 90–90–90 targets in 2014. Joint effort made by everyone through multisectoral partnerships is required to end the AIDS epidemic for life protection, health improvement and sustainable development goals.
Translated by N.T