10:07, 12/07/2016

Military Hospital 87 celebrates 35th anniversary

Military Hospital 87 celebrated its 35th anniversary (July 10, 1981-2016) ...

Military Hospital 87 celebrated its 35th anniversary (July 10, 1981-2016) on July 8. Present at the event was Lieutenant-General Le Van Hoang, Secretary of Party Committee, Political Commissar of the General Department of Logistics.
Over 35 years of construction and development, the hospital has had 27 departments, including 15 clinical and 6 sub-clinical ones. Postgraduates have accounted 77.7% of the staff. The hospital receives 14,000 patient arrivals, 72% of whom recover and are discharged from the hospital every year on average. 
The hospital has founded 3 emergency teams in association with army medical corps of the People's Navy to take a trip to the Spratly Islands to give medical examination and transport 4 patients to the mainland for treatment in 2015 and 2016.
Military Hospital 87 had an honor to award the third-class Feat Order, the second-class Fatherland Defense Order and a certificate of merit by the Prime Minister. On this occasion, the General Department of Logistics presented a laudatory writing to Military Hospital 87.
Translated by N.T