10:11, 07/11/2016

Flooding damage estimated at VND124b

The past flooding in Khanh Hoa Province blew up roofs and made 27 houses collapse; damaged nearly 1.8km of concrete streets; 1,800ha of rice; over 2km of irrigation canals and 4.1km of dykes

The past flooding in Khanh Hoa Province blew up roofs and made 27 houses collapse; damaged nearly 1.8km of concrete streets, 1,800ha of rice, over 2km of irrigation canals and 4.1km of dykes; killed 770 poultry and cattle, etc. The total damage is estimated at VND124 billion, Khanh Hoa Steering Board For Flood Control, Natural Disaster Relief & Rescue reported on November 6. Flooded areas were some surbans of Nha Trang and districts of the province. The center of Nha Trang city was not flooded. Local authorities and people are making efforts to repair the damages after the flood.
Earlier, on November 5, the Central Natural Disaster Control mission led by Tran Quang Hoai, Deputy Chief of Water Resources Directorate under the Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development had had a working session with Khanh Hoa Province on flooding response in Khanh Hoa. Tran Quang Hoai had highly appreciated the natural disaster response in Khanh Hoa and requested the province to continue measures to overcome the consequences caused by flooding, focusing on epidemic outbreak control, environmental pollution and resettlement; required Khanh Hoa Steering Board For Flood Control, Natural Disaster Relief & Rescue to continue making flood damage report for natural disaster recovery assisstance.
Translated by N.T