07:12, 30/12/2016

Gender-based violence control propaganda boosted

Gender-based violence control propaganda has contributed to raising public awareness of the scope of the problem and its impact, reducing risk in families and working environments and daily life...

Gender-based violence control propaganda has contributed to raising public awareness of the scope of the problem and its impact, reducing risk in families and working environments and daily life.
The mediation group in Quang Hoi 1 Village, Van Thang Commune, Van Ninh District provides counselling for a couple.
Raising awareness
Founded in September 2012, the model on gender-based violence prevention and control in Van Thang Commune, Van Ninh District is an example model launched by Khanh Hoa Department of Culture & Sports, in the gender equality program in Khanh Hoa, period 2012 – 2015.
In 2014, Van Thang Commune developed one more example model on building and modifying village convention to assure gender equality. Over 4 years of the model implementation, the number of gender-based violence prevention & control clubs and gender violence prevention & control groups has expanded to 8/8 villages, resolving 24 cases through the hotlines, providing counseling for 22 residents, etc.
Residents and organizations have praised the development of the violence prevention & control models, contributing to raising public awareness of the issue, reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery. The household violence control and prevention group in Quang Hoi 1 Village has been awarded a certificate of merit fro its achievements in developing the action plan on household violence control and prevention, period 2008-2015, according to Huynh Van Hoa, Vice-Chairman of Van Thang Commune People’s Committee.
The propaganda on gender equality and gender-based violence prevention and mitigation has gained some desired results. Hoang Van Thu High School, Nha Trang City has frequently organized several extracurricular activities themed gender equality. A School Counseling and Psychological Board for students has been founded to work with Vinh Phuoc Ward vanguard to maintain order and security before and after school. Conflicts among students have decreased by half in the most recent five years.
School violence results from students’ impatience in small conflicts and failure to communicate their problems with school management units and organizations.  Lack of parental care and guidance are mainly responsible for children being violent and aggressive at school. The school has cooperated with the Youth Union, organizations and families to effectively manage and resolve conflicts and improve relationships among students, says Vu Thi Lien Huong, Vice-Principal of Hoang Van Thu High School.
Boosting propaganda
In recent years, local authorities at all levels have boosted gender equality propaganda and gained satisfactory results. Preferential policies for female staff have been developed. The Trade Union at all levels has made great effort to improve female staff’s life. Ho Thi Phuong Chi, Head of the Women Board of Khanh Hoa Labor Federation says, “We have closely coordinated with the Deportment of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs to hold several talks and meetings to publicize the Marriage & Family Law and Gender Equality Law to thousands of Trade Union members and laborers. In the time to come, we will continue with propaganda on Trade Union Law, Law Code, Social Insurance Law. Besides, more propaganda on gender equality is needed among employers.”
The Child Care, Protection & Gender Equality Office (Department of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs) will further propaganda on gender equality and gender –based anti-violence, according to Le Thi Ngoc Suong, Chief of Child Care, Protection and Gender Equality Office (Department of Labor, War Invalids & Social Affairs).
Translated by N.T