10:03, 26/03/2017

Towards smoke-free Nha Trang City

In 2016, Nha Trang City held several Tobacco Control activities to build a smoke-free city...

In 2016, Nha Trang City held several Tobacco Control activities to build a smoke-free city. In 2013, Nha Trang and Hoi An were chosen to create smoke-free tourist cities with the support from Vietnam Public Health Association and the Fund for Tobacco Control, Ministry of Health.


Inspection at a tobacco shop in Nha Trang City.

Nha Trang City has held many Tobacco Control activities such as Tobacco Control Law propaganda, training, inspection, meetings in response to the World No Tobacco Day, etc. Besides, non-smoking posters have been set up in public places at People’s Committee locations and medical stations of 27 communes and wards; 2,700 non-smoking signs have been distributed to communes, wards, agencies, organizations and community places.

In addition, administrative and non-productive agencies, divisions, departments and organizations in Nha Trang City have done a good job in raising staff’s awareness of harmful effects of smoking and benefits of smoke-free environment; and persuading smokers to reduce or quit smoking, helping to decrease smokers by 80%. Over 20% of tobacco addicts have quitted smoking completely. 100% of units at commune and ward levels have strengthened tobacco control steering boards, mobilizing nearly 200 people to reduce smoking. At medical and educational establishments where smoking is completely prohibited, staff have well abided by the Tobacco Control Law. Accordingly, nearly 100 staff (60% of smokers) have cut down or quitted smoking.

Moreover, Nha Trang City market management officials have enhanced inspection at tobacco businesses; restaurants and hotels on some streets in Nha Trang City. Businesses have been mobilized to sign pledges not to produce and trade in illegal, prohibited, counterfeit goods or commodities violating intellectual property rights; 4,850 posters warning of illegally imported tobacco as prohibited goods and propagandizing against illegally imported tobacco have been set up, etc.

In 2017, Nha Trang City continues implementing the tobacco control plan and promoting achievements gained over the past years; boosting inspection and penalties for selling tobacco to minors, trading in illegally imported tobacco, trading in tobacco without licenses, etc, says Nguyen Sy Khanh, Vice-Chairman of Nha Trang City People’s Committee.

Translated by N.T