10:06, 08/06/2017

Educational career mentoring workshop

An educational career mentoring workshop on mentoring facility and staff for career development was held on June 6...

An educational career mentoring workshop on mentoring facility and staff for career development was held on June 6 by the Trade Union’s Women Board and the Board “For the Advancement of Women” of Nha Trang University.

The event was within the NORHED project to build assistance programs on career development for female lecturers, especially holders of doctorate degrees, etc.

The project is developed by Nha Trang University in association with the University of Tromso, University of Bergen (Norway) and University of Ruhuna (Sri Lanka) to assist Nha Trang University with Masters and Doctorate programs in marine ecosystem management and climate change.

kEducational career mentoring workshop.

Translated by N.T