11:06, 20/06/2017

Hon Ba Natural Reserve: forest fire control and prevention boost

Hon Ba Natural Reserve Management Board has boosted forest fire control and prevention apart from forest protection to protect the biodiversity of Hon Ba Natural Reserve in the peak dry month...

Hon Ba Natural Reserve Management Board has boosted forest fire control and prevention apart from forest protection to preserve the biodiversity of Hon Ba Natural Reserve in the peak dry month.

Hon Ba Nature Reserve, more than 19,285ha, includes over a 9,519ha strictly-protected area, a 9,553ha ecological regeneration area and a 213ha service & administration zone, is located in the 4 districts of Dien Khanh, Cam Lam, Khanh Vinh and Khanh Son. Hon Ba has rich biodiversity with great potentials in scientific research; eco-tourism and service development. "After survey, we found that in the dry peak month of July, 225.65ha of cultivated forests of Dipterocarpus alatus, Hopea odorata, Acacia auriculiformis populated in Cam Lam, Dien Khanh and some other areas affected by tourism and production activities are at high risk of fire," reports Do Anh Thy, Director of Hon Ba Natural Reserve Management Board.

Reportedly, no forest fire causing damage to natural recourses in Hon Ba has been reported. However, the forest fire control and prevention tasks have met great difficulties such as some people living as hunters, gatherers or shifting cultivators inside forests; some tourist sites located in the forest or nearby, etc. Forests may be burned because of human carelessness. Other difficulties include a challenging terrain, a prolonged hot and dry weather; limited human resources and devices, etc. The most difficulty is to manage local residents’ production actvities. 168 residents are currently involved in farming on an area of 464.79ha in Hon Ba. Fire lit by farmers to clear small patches of jungle land for shifting cultivation may get out of control and keep burning, resulting in forest fire.

kHon Ba Forest Protection Unit officials check high-risk fire sites.

Therefore, special precautions have been taken to make sure fire is not carelessly ignited. Consensus on forest protection has been signed by the households. In addition, fire-fighting scenario rehearsals was held in April with the participation of many forces. This dry season, much focus has been put on investing in fire control and prevention equipment; building and maintaining a 14.3km firebreak; organizing fire-fighting scenario rehearsals, managing locals’ farming, etc. During hot days, 24-hour standbys have been assured in high-risk areas, namely Da Trang, Da Han (Suoi Cat Commune); Doc Cay (Suoi Tan Commune), Hon Chuong (Suoi Tien Commune), Lang Nhot (Dien Tan Commune), Ma O, Chi Chay (Son Trung Commune); Nga Hai (Khanh Phu Commune), etc to timely deal with any emergencies.

Moreover, 20 forest fire control and prevention propaganda drives have been held. 310 families have been mobilized to sign pledges on forest protection; fire and forest fire control and prevention. No forest fire has been reported in Hon Ba since the beginning of the year thanks to great fire control and prevention effort, according to Le Kim Hoan Vu, Deputy Chief of Hon Ba Forest Protection Unit.

Hon Ba Natural Reserve Management Board has sent documents to Hon Ba Forest Protection Unit to check fire control and prevention measures, using on-site resources to ensure minimum damage; assure officials on standby and patrolling in high-risk areas; manage fire lit by farmers for shifting cultivation, continue propaganda to raise public awareness of forest protection and fire control; monitor forest fire warnings to discover any risks and take immediate actions.

Bich La
Translated by N.T