06:06, 21/06/2017

Provincial leaders visit press agencies

Ho Van Mung, Member of Khanh Hoa Provincial Standing Committee, Head of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Propaganda & Training paid a visit on June 20 to representative offices of press agencies...

Ho Van Mung, Member of Khanh Hoa Provincial Standing Committee, Head of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Propaganda & Training paid a visit on June 20 to representative offices of press agencies, namely Nhan Dan, Nguoi Lao Dong, Dai Doan Ket, Lao Dong, Lao Dong & Xa Hoi and Nhi Dong on the occasion of the occasion of the 92nd Vietnam's Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925-2017).

Ho Van Mung extended greetings to journalists, appreciated their effort and expressed his hope that press agencies would continue propagandizing issues of public interest and socio-economic policies in Khanh Hoa together with judicious, unprejudiced criticisms, contributing to the provincial socio-economic development.

kHo Van Mung offers greeting flowers to Nhan Dan Newspaper representative office.

Translated by N.T