11:06, 19/06/2017

Building 6 homes for the poor in Ninh Hoa

The State Bank of Vietnam, Khanh Hoa Branch has just cooperated with Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front to hand 6 homes, 30-50m2, over to families whose houses collapsed...

The State Bank of Vietnam, Khanh Hoa Branch has just cooperated with Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front to hand 6 homes, 30-50m2, over to families whose houses collapsed in flooding in late 2016 in Ninh Hoa Town. House construction grants were VND80 million each. Some families put in more money to make the houses comfortable.

Reportedly, the State Bank of Vietnam donated VND1.3 billion to build 16 houses, VND50 million each, for residents hit by flooding. 10 houses have been handed over the needy in Van Ninh District and Ninh Hoa Town.


House handover to a family.

Translated by N.T