05:07, 18/07/2017

Free English classes for poor children

Free English classes funded by Aid for Kids Organization (USA) has given poor children in Cam Lam District more chances to learn and practice English...

Free English classes funded by the non-governmental organization Aid for Kids (USA) has given poor children in Cam Lam District more chances to learn and practice English.

Free English classes in Bac Vinh Village, Cam Hai Tay Commune have nearly 70 children from many localities in Cam Lam District. All of them are from poor families. “At normal school, there are about 3-5 English classes a week, mainly focusing on reading and writing. This class helps children to practice more English language skills,” says Doan Thi Van Anh (teacher of Luong The Vinh Junior High School), who is in charge of the free class.

“Thanks to the free English class, I can improve all my English skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing,” an orphan named Nguyen Thi Kim Thuong, class 4B at Cam An Nam Primary School says, adding that she and her 2 sisters have  also received 3 bikes from the Aid for Kids to go to school. Ngo Thanh Khue, a 5th-grader at Cam Hai Tay Primary School says the English class has helped better her English skills.

Tran Thi Kim Chi, a parent of Truong Quoc Trong, a pupil at Cam Hai Tay Primary School, says her family lives on farming and the life is difficult, “My daughter only learns English at school and I can’t afford more English classes for her. The free English class has helped my daughter and other poor children to practice and thus improve their English language,” she says.

Free English class for kids.

The free teaching English to children project funded by Aid for Kids Organization (USA) through Khanh Hoa Union of Friendship Organizations with a grant of VND500 million began in July 2016. The project is expected to run for 2 years.

The English classes are open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Children are divided into 4 class levels. 3 teachers are in charge of teaching based on the curricula by Cam Lam District Division of Education & Training for students graded from 3 to 9.

Many organizations have sponsored students by awarding scholarships and grants. Aid for Kids is the first organization to sponsor students by organizing free English classes. “Besides free English teaching, Aid for Kids has awarded scholarships and bikes to many other school children in Cam Lam District. This activity is very meaningful and helpful. In the time to come, we will continue seeking for more donation from organizations to help poor children and local residents, according to Ly Ba Lin, Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Union of Friendship Organizations.

Translated by N.T