10:07, 25/07/2017

Central Institute of Veterinary Research & Development celebrates 40th foundation anniversary

On July 22, the Central Institute of Veterinary Research & Development (IVRD) celebrated its 40th foundation anniversary...

On July 22, the Central Institute of Veterinary Research & Development (IVRD) celebrated its 40th foundation anniversary (July 23, 1977-2017). Present at the event were Le Quoc Doanh, Deputy Prime Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development; and Dao Cong Thien, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee.

Over 40 years of construction and development, IVRD has made great progress and fulfilled its assigned tasks. IVRD has made great achievements in scientific research, human resource training and manufacturing many useful products. In 2016, IVRD put a high-tech vaccine production establishment into use, meeting the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP-WHO). IVRD was among 15 enterprises presented the national Golden quality Award by the Prime Minister.

kLe Quoc Doanh, Deputy Prime Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development grants the Government's emulation flag to IVRD.

On this occasion, IVRD honored to receive Government's emulation flag; M.A Nguyen Duc Tan, IVRD Director received the 2nd-class Labor Medal. Many groups and individuals were awarded certificates of merit by the Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development, etc.

Nguyen Kim
Translated by N.T