11:08, 26/08/2017

Han Thuyen and Pasteur streets to be widened

Han Thuyen and  Pasteur streets in Nha Trang City are expected to be widened and improved in late August...

Han Thuyen and  Pasteur streets in Nha Trang City are expected to be widened and improved in late August.

According to Nguyen Thanh Van- Vice Director of Nha Trang Construction Project Management Board, the city has invested in the widening of Pasteur Street to 20m, 12m road-bed and 4m pavements. The work on Pasteur Street, 536m long, includes a street, sewerage, green space and lighting with a total estimated cost of nearly VND8.8 billion. The existing pavement will be widened to 4m to include a walking lane and a lane for the handicapped.

Existing Han Thuyen Street, 8m, will be widened to be 371 long and 14m wide with a 8m road-bed, 3m pavements with sewerage and green space at an estimated cost of more than VND6.1 billion.

Trees located in the road-bed will be removed to make way for the road-widening. Trees not hindering the street construction on the pavements will remain.

Existing Pasteur Street.

Accordingly, 13 trees in Han Thuyen will be felled and the rest will be removed to a nursery garden to be relocated after the construction. 28 Peltophorum pterocarpum trees and 21 Flamboyant trees will be removed to a nursery garden to be relocated on the pavements.

Reportedly, the leader of Nha Trang City People’s Committee and local departments have carefully considered relocating or felling 3 old Khaya senegalensis trees, 80cm in diameter. According to the leader of Nha Trang Urban Environment Company, the foot of the 80cm-diameter trees must be 1m in diameter, too big for removal and relocation.

The city is selecting bidders for the construction expected to begin soon this month. After the construction, Pasteur Street will be landscaped with more Peltophorum pterocarpum and Flamboyant trees. Han Thuyen Street will have Flamboyant trees under the city tree planning, says Nguyen Thanh Van.

Translated by N.T