11:09, 27/09/2017

2017 "Young people with traffic culture" Day

The 2017 "Young people with traffic culture" Day was held on September 23 by Khanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union...

The 2017 “Young people with traffic culture” Day was held on September 23 by Khanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union. Present at the event were Nguyen Trong Thai, Chief of the National Traffic Safety Committee’s Office; and  Nguyen Duy Bac, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee.

More than 1,000 Youth Union members and young people in Khanh Hoa Province joined the "Young people with traffic culture" Day which included local road safety report, a parade to raise public awareness of road traffic rules, safe driving practice, etc. On this occasion, 10 scholarships were offered to needy students.


kBike parade to raise public awareness of road safety.

Translated by N.T