09:09, 22/09/2017

VND70 subscription for typhoon relief

iSchool Nha Trang School raised a subscription in support of typhoon-hit residents in Ha Tinh Province...

iSchool Nha Trang School raised a subscription in support of typhoon-hit residents in Ha Tinh Province on September 19.

The school called all of its staff, students and  their parents to join relief effort to help Ha Tinh Province just hit by Doksuri typhoon, following the Vietnamese saying “The undamaged leaf would support the torn leaf”, says Pham Huu Binh, Principal of  iSchool Nha Trang School.

kiSchool Nha Trang School students donate in support of families hit by the typhoon.

Nearly VND70 million in donations will be sent to the typhoon victims.


Translated by N.T