04:09, 06/09/2017

Sacombank: Bringing dreams to life

Scholarships "Bringing Dreams to Life" offered by Sacombank Khanh Hoa at the new school year opening ceremony are such an encouragement to needy students to make further effort in study...

Scholarships “Bringing Dreams to Life” offered by Sacombank Khanh Hoa at the new school year opening ceremony are such an encouragement to needy students to make further effort in study.

Sacombank Khanh Hoa presented 60 scholarships worth VND1 million each to needy students at Le Quy Don Gifted School, Hoang Van Thu High School, Nguyen Van Troi High School, Ha Huy Tap High School (Nha Trang City); Tran Binh Trong High School (Cam Lam District) and Phan Boi Chau High School (Cam Ranh City). The beneficiaries were 11th and 12th –graders of the 2017-2018 school year with the average grade of 7.0 or above last academic year.

Vo Nguyen Thuy Trang, a 12th-grader, Nguyen Van Troi High School, was so happy to receive the scholarship. “My mother is a housewife. My father is fisherman, the only bread-winner of my family.  With precarious income, he has recently changed his job and worked as a painter. He has to cover all the family expense and the school fees of three of us. Therefore, the scholarship is so helpful to us,” she says.


kPham Tan Minh, Director of Sacombank Khanh Hoa grants scholarships to Nguyen Van Troi high school students.

Vo Nguyen Xuan Dinh, Class 12C10, Nguyen Van Troi High School, was graded good in class 10 and 11. “My dad is working far from home and my mom is living in Ninh Van, Ninh Hoa Town. My two elder sisters had to quit schooling. One had to give up her dream of becoming a teacher to work for hire. I am trying to overcome difficulties to continue schooling. I feel so lucky to receive the scholarship which I will spend on my school things and partly on my daily expenses. I plan to study tourism after graduating from high school because I think it is easy to find a job with a tourism degree now,” she says.

During its development, Sacombank always pursues corporate social responsibility. Therefore, since its foundation day, Sacombank has successfully built its social activities, including Sacombank scholarships “Bringing dreams to life”, benefiting thousands of disadvantaged students nationwide. Sacombank has also had some programs for the sake of education such as providing apprenticeship opportunities and employing some potential apprentices, according to Pham Tan Minh, Director of Sacombank Khanh Hoa.

Since 2004, more than 31,000 students have received the scholarships worth over VND36 billion. In 2017 alone, Sacombank donated 3,132 scholarships to needy students nationwide. Each scholarship for schoolchildren includes VND1 million and a backpack. Each scholarship for university or college students includes VND3 million and a backpack.

Social responsibilities have been shown in every Sacombank development activity. Sacombank is committed to building a better life through all of its products and services as well as promoting young talents of the country.

Translated by N.T