11:10, 25/10/2017

Technical initiative dissemination

Khanh Hoa Union of Science and Technology Associations held a conference on October 24 to propagandize some technical initiatives in the 7th Khanh Hoa Scientific & Technical Creation Competition (2016-2017)...

Khanh Hoa Union of Science and Technology Associations held a conference on October 24 to propagandize some technical initiatives in the 7th Khanh Hoa Scientific & Technical Creation Competition (2016-2017).

The conference introduced such technical initiatives as hydraulic peanut oil press and peanut grinders (3rd prize); straw cutting and winding machine (2nd prize); and multi-functional farming machine (3rd prize). These highly effective technical innovations which bring economic benefits when applied in production were disseminated for widespread use and application.


kTechnical initiatives are introduced.

Translated by N.T