03:11, 18/11/2017

Russian humanitarian relief delivered to typhoon-hit residents

All the humanitarian relief from the Government of Russia has been delivered to Typhoon Damrey victims in Khanh Hoa Province...

All the humanitarian relief from the Government of Russia has been delivered to Typhoon Damrey victims in Khanh Hoa Province.
On November 15, residents in Dien An Commune People’s Committee, Dien Khanh District were happy to receive the international assistance. The house of Le Thi Kim Loan, Phu An Nam Village was severely damaged in  the storm. The woman is poor and living alone and thus cannot afford the house repair. She has to seek for shelter in her relative’s house. Receiving sugar, milk, meat and fish, she said, “The aid is valuable support for us from Russian people.”
Apart from 15 families in Dien An Commune, many others in Dien Khanh District also benefited from the aid. Nguyen Thi Kim Huong, Vice-Chairman of Dien Khanh District People’s Committee said, on November 14, all the relief goods transported to the district were distributed to people in crutical need in towns and communes.
On November 16, all the relief goods distributed to Van Ninh District were handed to 100 families with houses destroyed in the typhoon. Le Thi Moi, Van Phuoc Commune, said, “My family has received much support from many individuals and organizations. I have just been told to get a housing grant in a few days. The gift from Russia is such a great encouragement to us to overcome the difficult circumstance.”


Residents in Dien An Commune, Dien Khanh District receive typhoon aid from Russia.
Van Ninh District distributed the Russian humanitarian relief allocated by Khanh Hoa People’s Committee to 13 commune and towns on November 16, according to Huynh Ngoc Tho, Chairman of Van Ninh District Fatherland Front Committee. The local government and authorities also handed the relief to residents in critical humanitarian needs in Nha Trang, Khanh Vinh, Khanh Son, Cam Ranh, Cam Lam and Ninh Hoa on November 14-16.
Nguyen Dinh Huan, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Red Cross says, under the guideline of Khanh Hoa People’s Committee, Khanh Hoa Red Cross has closely cooperated with Khanh Hoa Department of Labor, War invalids & Social Affairs and localities to begin the relief good distribution trips to needy residents right away on the morning of November 14.
All the Russian humanitarian assistance has been granted to needy families with houses destroyed and ethnic minority people heavily affected by the typhoon. 
Vinh Thanh – Phu Vinh
Translated by N.T