09:11, 10/11/2017

Typhoon Damrey kills 43, causes 2,554 houses to collapse

According to the 8 November statistics by Khanh Hoa Steering Board For Flood Control, Natural Disaster Relief & Rescue, 2,554 houses collapsed completely in Typhoon Damrey...

Typhoon Damrey caused 2,554 houses to collapse completely, according to the 8 November statistics by Khanh Hoa Steering Board For Flood Control, Natural Disaster Relief & Rescue. The figure included 644 houses in Van Ninh, 874 in Ninh Hoa, 449 in Nha Trang, 37 in Cam Lam, 19 in Cam Ranh, 210 in Dien Khanh, 17 in Khanh Son and 304 in Khanh Vinh.

Besides, more than 58,000 houses, mostly in Van Ninh with 19,700 houses, were damaged and with roofs completely blown off. Over 40,000 houses had minor damage.

The latest report shows Typhoon Damrey killed 43 people and injured 138 others in Khanh Hoa. The recovery work continues to be given priority to help locals with house repair and food supplies.


A house collapses in Ninh An Commune, Ninh Hoa Town.



Hong Dang
Translated by N.T