09:12, 04/12/2017

Road traffic law knowledge contest

On December 3, The Ministry of Education & Training, Honda Vietnam cooperated with Nha Trang University held a contest on knowledge road traffic and safe driving technique in the southern central region 2017...

On December 3, the Ministry of Education & Training and Honda Vietnam cooperated with Nha Trang University to hold a knowledge contest on road traffic and safe driving technique in the Southern Central Region 2017.
The activity drew the attendance of 500 students from Nha Trang University, Khanh Hoa University, Khanh Hoa Medical College; Nha Trang National College of Pedagogy and Nha Trang Tourism College. The attendants were provided knowledge of the road traffic law and safe driving techniques; and they took part in traffic safety-themed acting.
This annual event is designed to raise traffic culture among young adults, including students in an effort to reduce road crashes.


Traffic safety-themed acting.
Translated by N.T