07:02, 26/02/2018

Boosting State e-commerce management

In recent years, e-commerce industry has tended to develop significantly in Vietnam in general and in Khanh Hoa in particular...

In recent years, e-commerce industry has tended to develop significantly in Vietnam in general and in Khanh Hoa in particular. Apart from achievements, the implementation of the Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP dated May 16, 2013 of the Government on e-commerce and the plan on e-commerce development in Khanh Hoa, period 2016 - 2020 has met some difficulties and challenges.


Le Thu Hai, Director of Khanh Hoa Department of Industry & Commerce says businesses in Khanh Hoa have become aware of the role and significance of information technology in general and e-commerce in particular in business and production management; and thus invested in information technology infrastructures to boost their market and customer care. Small and medium enterprises have gradually invested in information technology infrastructures to improve their business management and production effectiveness. Some enterprises have established e-commerce websites for the transaction of buying or selling online and joined the e-commerce marketplace.

At present in Khanh Hoa, there are 77 ecommerce websites owned by individuals and organizations and registered with the Ministry of Industry & Commerce’s E-commerce & Digital Economy Agency with 100% export and import businesses using emails to interact with foreign partners and clients; about 75% of enterprises using specialized softwares in production and business management; and most hotels providing online booking transactions. The websites of enterprises operating in Khanh Hoa are mostly for marketing and introducing products, trademarks to customers. Online sales and convenient softwares have not been taken full advantage of to boost production and business.

In 2017, Khanh Hoa got 34.6 e-Business Index points, ranking 10/54 surveyed cities and provinces nationwide, according to Vietnam e-Business Index (EBI) 2017. Specifically, Khanh Hoa got 21.5 scores on the index based on information technology infrastructure and human resources, ranking fifth among leading cities and provinces. This index is calculated based on 5 criteria: population rate/ domain name; the equipment of computers and intelligent mobile devices; number of employees regularly using e-mail at work; the percentage of staff regularly using such tools as Viber, Facebook; number of specialized e-commerce staff, etc.

Khanh Hoa got 47.3 points on the index on transactions between businesses and customers (B2C), ranking 13/54 surveyed cities and provinces. This index reflects the number of businesses building e-commerce websites and updating information on the websites, as well as participating in sales via social networking channels, trading floors, mobile applications, etc

Khanh Hoa got 25.9 points on the index on transactions between businesses and businesses (B2B), ranking 12/54 surveyed cities and provinces. The index shows the enterprises’ focus on business effectives through online selling, comparing the purchase value or online sales to the company's revenue and expenses; their focus on information technology application. Khanh Hoa got 62 points on the Index on the Government to businesses (G2B). G2B reflects the information transparency between State agencies and enterprises as well as the level of online public services.

Khanh Hoa Department of Industry & Commerce has held a conference to review the implementation of the Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP dated May 16, 2013 of the Government on e-commerce and the strategy on e-commerce development in Khanh Hoa, period 2016 - 2020. Khanh Hoa Department of Industry & Commerce has suggested that the Government issue regulations on e-commerce practice with much concern given to training and survey.

Specifically, it is suggested to promulgate regulations on management and supervision of e-commerce activities and concretize sanction in line with the country's socio-economic development trend and international economic integration; concretize the management and coordination between the central authorities, localities and branches in e-commerce activities so as to ensure synchronous and sustainable development and facilitate supervision; to consider and supplement regulations on report made by traders and organizations engaged in e-commerce activities on the operation of e-commerce websites to provincial Industry & Commence Departments where the traders or organizations are headquartered or located and report to the tax authorities to serve the tax administration as prescribed; to adjust scopes and objects of statistical targets on the number of e-commerce transaction units, or propose the Ministry of Information & Communications to report the statistics on this index in order to grasp the situation of e-commerce activities and improve state management; to regularly organize training courses on State management over e-commerce for State e-commerce management officials in localities.


Mai Hoang
Translated by N.T