04:04, 19/04/2018

2018 semester in army now available for application

The 2018 semester in army held by Khanh Hoa Youth Union and Khanh Hoa Military Headquarters is open for application...

The 2018 semester in army held by Khanh Hoa Youth Union and Khanh Hoa Military Headquarters is open for application. 
Truong Tan Hung, Vice-Secretary of the Khanh Hoa Youth Association, Chairman of Khanh Hoa Comrade Associate says this is the fifth time Khanh Hoa Youth Union in association with Khanh Hoa Military Headquarters has organized the semester in army. As previous years, the attendees will have full-time training at the Battalion 460, Regiment 974, Khanh Hoa Military Headquarters stationed in Dien Khanh District. This year’s course is expected to enroll 120 students and last for 7 days on June 24-30, instead of 10 days as before based on parent survey. 
The program is voluntarily open to teenagers aged between 11 and 17 in good mental and cardiovascular health conditions. It includes 2 periods with the first 3 days for military training for new military recruits and the last 4 days for life skills training, social work, picnics and a closing ceremony. The military training includes patriotic education, Vietnam army tradition education, basic military discipline, tactics, personal hygiene, team work, environmental protection activities, reading, effective time management, regular physical training, etc.
During the course, participants will have a chance to learn about the work and training organization, acquire skills in marching, orientation in the jungle, survival techniques, tent-pitching; get to know about forest ecology and join environmental protection activities. Besides, they can take part in social activities and apply what they have learned at school into reality.
This year’s program has some new activities such as self-introduction and exchange on the first day and birthday celebration for those born in June, study tours to high-tech agricultural models; modern research and agricultural production units known for models of VietGAP vegetables, organic vegetables, etc.
Particularly, the training will cover some more knowledge such as reproductive health care and life skills against sexual abuse; fire prevention and control, fire survival skills, etc. Moreover, there will be a seminar about the issue of social networking and importance of family to children’s all-round development, promoting their filial respect, obedience and diligence.
The Standing Committee of Khanh Hoa Youth Union has given direction to relevant agencies to prepare the program in cooperation with Khanh Hoa Military Headquarters. Besides, Khanh Hoa Youth Union has announced the course throughout the province. Excellent trainers and coordinators have been selected to accompany participants all through the program. The event promises to satisfy parents’ expectation. 
Registration for the program is available now until May 25 at Children and Teenager Board, Khanh Hoa Youth Union at 6 Hoang Hoa Tham, Nha Trang City or call 0258.3822.454 for more information.
Translated by N.T