11:04, 14/04/2018

Chargé d'Affaires of Colombia visits Khanh Hoa

On April 12, Tran Son Hai, Permanent Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa People's Committee received Claudia Liliana Zambrano Naranjo, Chargé d'Affaires of Colombia to Vietnam...

On April 12, Tran Son Hai, Permanent Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa People’s Committee received Claudia Liliana Zambrano Naranjo, Chargé d’Affaires of Colombia to Vietnam.
Claudia Liliana Zambrano Naranjo highly appreciated the socio-economic growth in Khanh Hoa Province. She realized Khanh Hoa and Colombia’s potential cooperation in such sectors as culture, tourism, agriculture, commerce, service, climate change mitigation, fisheries and suggested the exchange between State agencies and businesses to search for cooperation opportunities. She also expressed the hope to open a Colombia art exhibition and a musical show in Khanh Hoa in the time to come.


Tran Son Hai gives a souvenir to  Claudia Liliana Zambrano Naranjo.
Tran Son Hai expressed the hope to strengthen the cooperation between Khanh Hoa and Colombia. Provincial leaders will send an official invitation to the Embassy of Colombia to attend series of events on the occasion of the Year of Tourism 2019 and Sea Festival 2019. Besides, the province will organize and recommend sightseeing tours in search for cooperation opportunities in sectors of mutual concern.
Translated by N.T