10:04, 27/04/2018

Khanh Hoa online celebrates 15th anniversary

Khanh Hoa Newspaper celebrated Khanh Hoa Online's 15th anniversary (April 2, 2003 - 2018)...

Khanh Hoa Newspaper celebrated Khanh Hoa Online’s 15th anniversary (April 2, 2003 - 2018). Present at the event were Nguyen Tan Tuan, Permanent Deputy Secretary of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council; Le Xuan Than, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Khanh Hoa Province, Vice-Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council; Tran Son Hai, Permanent Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Tran Ngoc Thanh, Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee together with leaders of local department and agencies and Thua Thien – Hue Newspaper, Binh Dinh Newspaper, Phu Yen  Newspaper and Lam Dong Newspaper.
The representatives reviewed 15 years of Khanh Hoa Online construction and development. Khanh Hoa Online publishes more than 1,200 articles with some 1.2 million visits a month. On March 15, 2018, Khanh Hoa Standing Party Committee gave approval in principle to building Internet television webpage on Khanh Hoa online newspaper.


Nguyen Tan Tuan offers greeting flowers to Khanh Hoa Newspaper Editorial Board.
Nguyen Tan Tuan highly appreciated the contribution of Khanh Hoa Online and required for focus on catching up with the general development trend, making it more compelling to readers and remaining a reliable official source in the time to come. Khanh Hoa Party Committee always gives special concern to Khanh Hoa Newspaper and Khanh Hoa Online with timely support to help Khanh Hoa Newspaper to fulfill its tasks.
On this occasion, Khanh Hoa People’s Committee awarded a certificate of merit to Khanh Hoa Online for its excellent achievements. Besides, Khanh Hoa Newspaper signed agreements on propaganda cooperation with some agencies.
Translated by N.T