04:05, 28/05/2018

Dengue and Zika prevention campaign launched

Khanh Hoa Youth Union in association with Khanh Hoa Department of Health launched a dengue and Zika prevention and control campaign...

Khanh Hoa Youth Union in association with Khanh Hoa Department of Health launched a dengue and Zika prevention and control campaign on May 24.
The campaign aims to reach the targets that everyone spends at least 10 or 15 minutes a week killing mosquitoes and their larvae in their workplaces or at home; People’s Committees of districts, towns, wards and communes boost the implementation direction and mobilization of all sources to support the event; cooperate with the medical sector and the Youth Union to join the disease prevention and control effort; Youth Union members and young people take the main role in developing the program on the community’s joining hands against the dengue outbreak and raising children and teenagers’ awareness of health care and disease prevention.


The Youth Union, agencies and localities sign a cooperation agreement to develop the d engue and Zika prevention and control campaign.
After the launching ceremony, Youth Union members and young people joined an anti-dengue parade along main streets in Nha Trang and distributed handouts in public places, markets, etc.
Translated by N.T