10:05, 12/05/2018

Visit and working trip to Laos

Khanh Hoa Department of Justice delegation paid a working visit to the provincial Departments of Justice of Champasak in Laos...

Khanh Hoa Department of Justice delegation paid a working visit to Champasak Provincial Department of Justice in Laos on May 10.
At the working session, the two partners appreciated the effective cooperation of the two departments in the fields of justice and law. The two partners also exchanged experience in legal document drafting, notarization, law education and propaganda; legal jurisdictions, etc.
On this occasion, Khanh Hoa Department of Justice offered office supplies such as a photocopier, 10 laptops, 10 printers, 1 projector and 1 loudspeaker set totaling over VND190 million to Champasak Department of Justice.


Le Van Ha, Director of  Khanh Hoa Department of Justice gives  office supplies  to  Champasak Provincial Department of Justice.
In the afternoon of the same day, the mission attended an inauguration ceremony for the Center of Law Education & Judicial Training Cooperation between the two departments. Earlier, the mission had paid a visit to Attapeu Department of Justice and signed a judicial cooperation agreement.
Duc Thang
Translated by N.T