07:06, 02/06/2018

U.S. Ambassador visits Khanh Hoa

Le Duc Vinh, Provincial People's Committee Chairman met with Daniel J. Kritenbrink, U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam on May 31...

Le Duc Vinh, Provincial People’s Committee Chairman met with Daniel J. Kritenbrink, U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam on May 31.
Le Duc Vinh showed his delight to welcome the U.S. Ambassador, especially during the PP18 event taking place in Khanh Hoa and highly appreciated the cooperation between U.S. non-governmental organizations and Khanh Hoa Province and the PP18 which have benefited Khanh Hoa in education and medical care. He also expressed the hope that more U.S investors would invest in Khanh Hoa.


Le Duc Vinh gives a souvenir to Ambassador  Daniel J. Kritenbrink.
Daniel J. Kritenbrink commented that PP18 had received much support from Khanh Hoa and gained satisfactory results; and noted that many measures would be taken to attract more U.S. visitors to Khanh Hoa and the two partners would organize student exchange programs; activities to protect the environment, prevent natural disaster, mitigate climate change impacts, etc.
Translated by N.T