04:09, 19/09/2018

35th ASEAN Social Security Association Board Meeting

The 35th ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) Board Meeting opened in Nha Trang City...

The 35th ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) Board Meeting opened in Nha Trang City on September 18.  The 2-day meeting is themed challenges and opportunities of ASEAN social security institutions in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution and free flow of labor.
Present at the event were Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam; Suradej Waleeittikul. Secretary-General of the Social Security Office, Ministry of Labour, Thailand; Chairman of ASSA, leaders of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Bank (WB) together with 20 ASSA members from 10 ASEAN countries, including Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. Khanh Hoa leaders, Le Thanh Quang, Central Party Committee Member, Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee Secretary; and Le Duc Vinh, Deputy Secretary of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People’s Committee Chairman attended the meeting.


Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam  posts with  delegates at  35th ASSA Board Meeting.
Speaking at the event, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has affirmed Vietnam is working towards a sustainable and effective social security system to meet the increasing demand, contributing to socio-economic and cultural development; and that Vietnam wishes to share experience with the ISSA in general and the ASSA in particular.
At the sessions, delegates and speakers discussed and shared challenges and opportunities and development trend of social security systems in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution “Industry 4.0”, and free flow of labor, etc.
Van Giang
Translated by N.T