03:09, 14/09/2018

Closing ceremony for 2018 summer campaign in Nha Trang

Nha Trang City Steering Board for Summer Activities held a closing ceremony for 2018 summer activities...

Nha Trang City Steering Board for Summer Activities held a closing ceremony for 2018 summer activities on September 13. 
During the 3 summer months, many practical activities were organized such as 34 propaganda and education sessions for teenagers; gratitude and community activities; and movements “Green Sunday”, “Volunteer Saturday” with the participation of 31,667 students. Nearly 3,500 Youth Union cadres and students joined effort in maintaining traffic safety, removing illegal advertisements on over 2,000 electrical poles, etc. 


Nha Trang City People’s Committee leader awards excellent groups.
On this occasion, Nha Trang City People’s Committee awarded 15 groups and 20 individuals with great achievements in the summer activities 2018. Nha Trang City Steering Board for Summer Activities offered 68 presents, containing notebooks and school materials, to the disadvantaged in Nha Trang City.
Translated by N.T