02:10, 18/10/2018

Getting primary school children excited about reading

Library periods have motivated primary school children to access library resources and thus helped develop their reading skills...

Library periods have motivated primary school children to access library resources and thus helped develop their reading skills.

Excited abut reading

At break time, the first-graders of Vinh Phuong Primary School, Nha Trang City rush to the library where they can listen to stories about cute animals. They are all anxious for the library period when Teacher Truong Thi Tuong Vy sparks their interest with different voices to bring story characters to life. Then questions are raised about the stories. Following the library period is the chance for children to take turns to play acting.

There is 1 library period a week from the beginning of this school year. The first 3 weeks were quite laborious for the librarian as she had a lot to do to introduce library regulations, divide reader groups, choose suitable stories for the children, think of leading questions, prepare visual aids, practice narrative characterization, etc. In return, the children are excited to listen to stories, able to remember every detail of the story, express their feelings as well as answer all questions about the story characters.


A library period at Vinh Phuong 1 Primary School.

At Van Thang Primary School, Nha Trang City, apart from a weekly library period at the “Green Library, kids can read books everywhere, on the stairs case landing, benches, under trees, etc. Kids are also taught to keep books carefully and turn them in at the library staff counters after finishing reading. The school library has more than 6,000 books to meet the school reading demand.

Reading habit developed

Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, a librarian of Vinh Phuong 1 Primary School says the library's activities now are not just borrowing and reading books individually. The library is different with colorful decoration and many low comfortable reading tables. Besides, there are corners for writing, drawing and playing games, etc. Books are classified in a color-coding system, making it easy for kids to find books they like.

In addition, the library periods also help inspire children to love books and develop the habit of reading. The library work is more busy and laborious but in return it is helpful for creating a reader-friendly environment. Especially, the library has some books that can’t be found outside in bookshops. Reading with friends and teachers will help kids easily understand the hidden meaning of the stories.

Nguyen Thi Bich Phuong, Vice-Principal of Van Thang Primary School says, "the school is relatively small, so we develop friendly library corners in many places facilitate children’s reading, inspire their interest in reading and improve reading comprehension skills. We are very happy that up to now, reading has become a habit of 910 pupils. The Green Library has helped to improve education and get kids love school. "

According to Ha Van Thong, Head of the Primary Education Division (Department of Education & Training), in the 2017 to 2018 academic year, the department provided friendly library development and management training for school librarians and managing staff but the training was mostly theoretical. This school year, more practical activities are being held to build the Reader-friendly Library. This is the first time the Department of Education & Training has held training on organizing a library period to meet the primary education innovation and improvement required by the Ministry of Education & Training. The library period includes reading out loud, individually, in pairs and in groups.

This year, the library work becomes more practical with creating friendly library environment and arranging library periods at school. This is also the first time the library period has come into being to innovate and improve primary education required by the Ministry of Education & Training.

The reading period has four specific activities: reading out loud, individually, in pairs and in groups. Compared with a story-telling class, a library period is in a more friendly way. Students can take part in many fun activities such as group discussions, acting, etc. In addition, library periods and friendly libraries also help librarians sharpen professional skills and thus improve the quality and efficiency of libraries.

Tieu Mai
Translated by N.T