09:10, 07/10/2018

Heart surgery aid, bikes and scholarships to poor students

Ho Chi Minh City Sponsoring Association for Poor Patients and Lotte Duty Free Shop (Korea) in partnership with Khanh Hoa General Hospital's Social Work Office have just donated VND40 million to help cover heart surgery expenses...

Ho Chi Minh City Sponsoring Association for Poor Patients and Lotte Duty Free Shop (Korea) in partnership with Khanh Hoa General Hospital’s Social Work Office have just donated VND40 million to help cover heart surgery expenses of 3 poor patients under treatment at Khanh Hoa General Hospital. Besides, 3 bikes worth VND1.7 million were offered to the patients. In addition, 1 scholarship worth VND1 million and bikes were donated to other patients.
Reportedly, the recipients who are poor students with acquired heart defects have undergone successful surgeries at Hoa General Hospital.


Bikes and scholarships are offered to poor students.
Since the beginning of the year, the Social Work Office of the hospital has received more than VND800 million from agencies, organizations and individuals inside and outside Khanh Hoa Province and thus provided aid for over 180 poor patients.
C. Dan
Translated by N.T