10:10, 27/10/2018

Two-responsibility emulation movement expanded

The two-responsibility emulation movement has been successfully expanded among female staff in the public sector, contributing to promoting socio-economic growth...

The two-responsibility emulation movement has been successfully expanded among female staff in the public sector, contributing to promoting socio-economic growth.
Satisfactory results
Nguyen Thi Hang, Vice-Chairperson of Khanh Hoa Labor Confederation says the two-responsibility emulation movement has focused on steering and guiding the Trade Union at all levels to respond to the movement in order to promote the role, position, abilities and creativeness of female staff during the socio-economic development of the innovation period.
Female laborers have showed skillfulness and competence in production and business with many high quality products. Their technical innovations and initiatives have proved effective and many have been applied in reality. Typical staff are Phan Thi Giang, Deputy General Director of Khanh Hoa Salanganes Nest Soft Drink Company; Le Nguyen Thuy Duong, General Director of Golf Long Thanh Investment & Trading Company; and Huynh Thi Van Ha, Director of Khanh Hoa Salanganes' Nest Restaurant.


The leader of  Khanh Hoa Labor Confederation grants certificates of merit to excellent female staff.
In addition, many have done scientific research and their work has been highly appreciated and applied in reality, bringing great benefits. The studies include "Developing technical methods for planting garlic on the coastal sandy soil in Khanh Hoa Province", "Research on integrated management of Chilo tumidicostalis Hampson and White Leaf diseases on sugar canes in Vietnam" by Trinh Thi Thuy Linh, Director of Khanh Hoa Aquaculture Department Branch; "Application of platelet rich plasma in the treatment of Lateral epicondylitis tubercleitis " by Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Mai, Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa General Hospital; "Application of Khanh Hoa history materials to teach high school students in Nha Trang City” by Teacher Nguyen Thi Thanh Van, Nguyen Thien Thuat High School and so on.
The women have fulfilled their duties, not only at work but also at home. They are responsible wives and successful mothers, maintaining happy families with obedient children.
Further expanding
At present, Khanh Hoa has 95,000 Trade Union members, including more than 53,000 female staff. Over 3 years of the movement, over 117,000 female participants have won the title "Satisfactorily fulfilling two responsibilities at work and at home"; 431 groups and more than 2,400 individuals have been awarded by the Trade Union at all levels; 3 groups have been presented flags of emulation and 6 female staff have been awarded certificates of merit by Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; 16 female staff have been presented certificates of merit by the Prime Minister; 900 female staff have been awarded certificates of merit by Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee, etc.
Ho Thi Phuong Chi, Head of  Women’s Board of Khanh Hoa Confederation of Labor says the Trade Union will strive to improve the operation and continue expanding the movement among female workers. The goals of the movement is to promote women’s talents, competence and creativeness in production and scientific research to contribute to the socio-economic development; make sure women staff are competent, confident, healthy, active, patriotic and happy in their family life.
To achieve that goal, the Trade Union at all levels will focus on ensuring stable employment, income and working environment; closely monitor the implementation of policies for female laborers; integrate the movement into specific professional tasks; boost propaganda to widen the knowledge of female laborers, especially in private units.
Van Giang
Translated by N.T