06:11, 30/11/2018

Construction on highway running through Khanh Hoa to start 2019

The Ministry of Transport has approved the project feasibility study on the North-South Highway (sections Nha Trang – Cam Lam in Khanh Hoa and Cam Lam – Vinh Hao in Binh Thuan)...

The Ministry of Transport has approved the project feasibility study on the North-South Highway (sections Nha Trang – Cam Lam in Khanh Hoa and Cam Lam – Vinh Hao in Binh Thuan). Accordingly, the construction of the highway sections is scheduled to start in 2019.
Over VND21,000 billion invested
Under the approval on the Ministry of Transport, the section Nha Trang (Khanh Hoa) – Vinh Hao (Binh Thuan) is divided into project components. Accordingly, Nha Trang – Cam Lam section is over 49.1km,  starting in Dien Tho Commune, Dien Khanh and ending in Cam Thinh Tay Commune, Cam Ranh City, with a total highway length of some 78.5km. The total investment capital of the 2 projects is expected to more than VND21.200 billion.


North-South Highway perspective.
The projects are invested under public-private partnerships (PPPs) as build-operate-transfer (BOT) contracts. The capital recovery time is 36 years, including 17 years and 9 months for Nha Trang – Dien Khanh route project and 18 years and 10 months for the other. The highway is designed to have 6 lanes, 32.2m wide, with 4 lanes, 17m wide, scheduled to be constructed in the first phase.
The entire route includes 80km of collector roads and 2 tunnels, one of which runs through Doc San Mountain, Cam Ranh, with 6 lanes and 60 bridges. The Nha Trang – Cam Lam route starts in Dien Tho, Dien Khanh towards the western National Road running through the communes of Dien Loc, Suoi Tien, Suoi Cat; towards the western Suoi Dau Industrial Zone, Cam Ranh Thuong Lake lower basin to Cam Hiep Bac Commune, running over Da Mang Mount to Cam An Bac, Cam Phuoc Tay, Hon Ong, Doc San to Cam Thinh Tay. The Cam Lam – Vinh Hao route starts in Cam Thinh Tay, running adjacent to the foot of Hon Dung Mountain, Xom Moi, Cam Thinh Tay; towards Mai Trai Lake lower basin and ends in Cam Ranh City at Km59.
From November 30, Khanh Hoa Department of Transport together with the project Management Board 85, Ho Chi Minh Road Project Management Board, consulting units and the 3 local authorities of Dien Khanh, Cam Lam and Cam Ranh plans to attend the project landmark and documentation handover of the highway running through Khanh Hoa Province. Khanh Hoa People’s Committee has also sent a document to Khanh Hoa Department of Planning & Investment to provide consultancy for the 3 localities as investors of the site clearance sub-projects, says Nguyen Van Dan, Director Khanh Hoa Department of Transport.
Site clearance work underway
389.2ha of land, excluding 8.4ha for resettlement, is expected to be used for the Nha Trang – Cam Lam project. The 188ha will be confiscated with 205 families affected. The total capital for the site cleanse is expected at more than VND418 billion, according to Ho Chi Minh Road Project Management Board.
Le Thanh Binh, Vice-Director of Ho Chi Minh Road Project Management Board says the project is scheduled to begin in 2019. 235.5ha of land is expected to be confiscated for the Cam Lam- Vinh Hao project with nearly VND400 billion for the site clearance. 36.1ha for the site clearance and 1.2ha for the resettlement of 30 families are required for the project running through Cam Ranh City.
The resettlement work is often complicated and time-consuming. Therefore, it is recommended that Khanh Hoa People's Committee would instruct local authorities to review existing land funds and resettlement areas to propose suitable allocation plans; strengthen propaganda to raise public awareness of  the efficiency and benefits of the highway project, thereby facilitating the site clearance and construction, according to Do Quang Minh, Vice-Director of the Project 85 Management Board.
Thanh Nam
Translated by N.T