11:11, 19/11/2018

Flash flood response operation

Landslides and floods sparked by Typhoon Toraji has left a trail of deadly destruction, especially in Nha Trang City...

Landslides and floods sparked by Typhoon Toraji has left a trail of deadly destruction, especially in Nha Trang City, according to reports by Khanh Hoa Steering Board For Flood Control, Natural Disaster Relief & Rescue.
Other localities, namely Dien An, Dien Phu, Dien Toan, Dien Binh, Dien Lac, Dien Dien in Dien Khanh, are also 0.5m submerged. In Cam Ranh City, the national road from Cam Nghia Ward to Cam Phu 0.4-0.6m in floodwater. Submersible bridges are 0.4 – 0.6m flooded in the districts of Khanh Vinh and Khanh Son.
The heavy rain has caused ravaging floods and rising rivers. The water level in most of the water reservoirs in Nha Trang City has reached 40 - 60%. Other reservoirs namely Suoi Dau have been reported at 89%, Suoi Trau 84%, Am Chua 86%, Lang Nhot 88%, Cay Sung 89% and Ta Ruc 89%. No reservoirs have released water, according to a 17:00 report.


Residents in Truong Son Quarter, Vinh Truong repair landslide damages.
The flash flood and landslide caused havoc in the city with 13 people dead 4 missing, 20 injured in Vinh Truong, Vinh Tho, Vinh Hoa and Phuoc Dong in Nha Trang City till 18:00 on November 18. Military forces and police and vanguards are in search of the missing following flash flooding.   
To cope with the tropical depression weakened from Toraji Typhoon, Khanh Hoa People’s Committee and Steering Board For Flood Control, Natural Disaster Relief & Rescue have directed regular reports on rain and floods in localities and related units to make sure 24-hour standby and take initiatives to timely respond to any emergencies.
Khanh Hoa Standing Party Committee and members of Khanh Hoa Steering Board For Flood Control, Natural Disaster Relief & Rescue have paid visits to localities to direct the floods response work and check the water reservoirs for suitable operation. 
The localities have arranged forces to prevent residents from traveling in flooded areas, submerged brides and landslide areas, evacuated residents from flooded areas; and cooperate with executive teams to check the safety and put signs and barriers in flooded construction sites. 24 hour-standby at the water reservoirs is maintained to assure safety following approved operation procedures.
On the morning of November 18, Le Duc Vinh, Deputy Secretary of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People’s Committee Chairman took a field trip to landslide areas in Nha Trang City. Le Duc Vinh requested Khanh Hoa military commanders, police, border guards and the authorities to concentrate on the search and rescue of victims in order to minimize the life loss; pay visit and offer aid to victims’ families. 
The weather is forecasted to continue with heavy rain, therefore, Le Duc Vinh requested Nha Trang City authorities to arrange temporary housing for evacuees, continue with the evacuation operation, check areas in high risk of landslides, especially in Phuoc Dong. The evacuation is required to be completed before 16:00 on November 18.
Translated by N.T