11:11, 25/11/2018

Torrential rain poses risks of flood and landslide

Moderate to heavy rain on November 23-24 may trigger flash floods and landslides in Khanh Hoa Province...

Moderate to heavy rain on November 23-24 may trigger flash floods and landslides in Khanh Hoa Province.
The warning of the risks of flood and landslide in many localities in Khanh Hoa Province was issued in its broadcast at 2:30 on November 21 by Southern & Central Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.


Moderate to heavy rain over the past 24 hours in Khanh Hoa has put Khanh Hoa at risks of flash floods and landslides, especially in southern Khanh Hoa Province. Extremely heavy rainfall has been reported in Cam Thinh Dong Commune, Cam Ranh at 272.4mm, just after 12-hour downpour.
Over the next 6 hours, moderate to heavy rain is forecasted to continue in Khanh Hoa with the rainfall at 80-120mm. The torrential rain has posed high risks of flash flood and landslide in Van Ninh, Ninh Hoa, Khanh Son, Khanh Vinh, Nha Trang and Dien Khanh, especially in landslide locations in the Typhoon Toraji and neighboring areas, the National Road running through Vinh Phuong Commune, Ru Ri Pass, National Road 27C running Khanh Le Pass, etc.
Hong Dang- Bich La
Translated by N.T