03:11, 02/11/2018

Painting activity for primary school kids

To improve all-round education quality and inspire creativeness, Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training has just directed Divisions of Education & Training to respond to a painting activity...

To improve all-round education quality and inspire creativeness, Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training has just directed Divisions of Education & Training to respond to a painting activity organized by the Ministry of Education & Training for primary school children to show their ideas through painting. 
This activity is open to primary school kids on a voluntary basis. Each pupil can send 1-3 paintings depicting ideas and solutions for better and happier life. The content can be integrated into art classes or extracurricular activities. Each pupil can join the activity individuality or in groups (maximum 3 children/ group) and the evaluation is based on the 2 age groups of grades 1-2 and grades 3-4-5.
Each Division of Education & Training are required to choose 10 schools to launch the activity, except Khanh Son District Division of Education & Training with 8 participating schools.
The paintings will be collected by schools and sent directly to Honda Vietnam Company, 8th floor, Zen Plaza, 54-56 Nguyen Trai, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Translated by N.T