06:12, 14/12/2018

Storm damage tops VND228b

The damage total from last month's storms and flooding in Cam Lam District was estimated at VND228 billion...

The damage total from last month’s storms and flooding in Cam Lam District was estimated at VND228 billion.
The storms and flooding caused massive destruction and damage to 35 homes; 7 schools; 195 ha of rice and 765 ha of other crops; uprooted 87ha of fruit trees and 3.8ha of Acacia auriculiformis; washed away 386 cattle and poultry, killed 8,521 poultry; destroyed 315ha of aquaculture farms; more than 3,500m of canals and 19,000m roads, 4 bridges and 5 culverts, etc.
The district has directed local departments and agencies to conduct a damage assessment to provide relief and take recovery effort to surmount the natural disaster consequences.
Translated by N.T