08:12, 26/12/2018

Preschool learner centeredness

Each kid has a different character, interests and motivation in learning. Therefore, the recent education innovation seeks to promote learner centeredness...

Each kid has a different character, interests and motivation in learning. Therefore, the recent education innovation seeks to promote learner centeredness which is also the target of the 2018 – 2019 Excellent Contest for Preschool Teachers.
Learning experience from the contest
What should we do with the little child who refuses to wash his hands after playtime? Teacher Nguyen Thi Thuong, 3-2 Nursery School, Nha Trang City says, “Outdoor activities are very beneficial to all-round development. Around ages 3 or 4, formerly easygoing angels may morph into stubborn kids who refuse to follow adults’ requests. At about this age, children start to think of doing everything by themselves to show their control over their environment, and they're trying to become more independent. This is a common situation in nursery schools and it requires good tricks. In this situation, I will be consistent about what kind of behavior is expected by motivating him to join another new activity and then leading him the way we want. Convincing your children to do things they do not want to do can be challenging. To persuade children, it is important to understand the kids’ characters and psychology.”


Extracurricular activity at 3-2 Nursery School.
That is one of the situations raised at the recent contest held by Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training. Preschool teachers have shown their ability and skills through optimized and compulsory educational activity. Many teachers have had a good combination of traditional and modern teaching methods; efficient use of visual aids and toys to make their teaching activities great fun and enjoyable. In the teaching activities about pottery, the job of cleaners, etc, teachers have shown their creativity in using visuals and toys to help kids to learn naturally, develop their communication skill and build confidence.
38/45 participating teachers are graded excellent in the school year 2018-2019 and 2 teachers graded outstanding are named Nguyen Thi Thuong, 3-2 Nursery School and Ngo Thi Thuy Van, Huong Sen Nursery School, Nha Trang City. The contest organizers have pointed out strong points as well as weak points that need improvement in child skill development, use of visual aids and toys, situation solution, learners' curiosity encouragement and learning motivation.
Learner centeredness promoted
Learner centeredness is intended to meet the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individuals and groups of learners. To accomplish this goal, teachers may employ a wide variety of educational methods that are considered as the most effective in facilitating learning for individuals or groups. 
Since the 2017 – 2018 school-year, Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training has boosted child-centered teaching at nursery schools. Most of the schools have had well-designed classrooms with beautifully-decorated learning areas, outdoor play and learning environments for diverse activities, helping enhance kids’ interest and keep them involved and motivated. Teachers have also applied positive teaching methods and techniques in educational activities adapting the real situation of each school, classroom and children’s abilities; and promoted life-skill development activities.
In the time to come, Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training will continue providing guidelines for preschools to develop curricula flexible and adaptable to the actual situation and children’s abilities; promote life skill education, and innovate teaching and learning to motivate kids to learn and discover their environment. Besides, schools need to organize more exchange activities with children and their parents, among classes, groups, schools, etc, according to Le Dinh Thuan, Vice-Director of Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training.
Translated by N.T