11:12, 15/12/2018

Promoting creativity among high school students

Khanh Hoa Provincial Scientific & Technical Contest for high school students, academic year 2018-2019, has just been held for the third time in Khanh Hoa Province...

Khanh Hoa Provincial Scientific & Technical Contest for high school students, academic year 2018-2019, has just been held for the third time in Khanh Hoa Province.
A student named Mau Hong Son, Ba Cum Bac Junior High School, Khanh Son District won the third prize in innovating an old bike to a corn kerneler remover. He says, “I want to help my parents with the farm work. Trang Si Thai, Thai Nguyen Junior High School say, my programming passion has inspired me to make my mobile anti-theft software, 1 of the 6 projects winning the first prize. This is the second time I have participated in the contest. This year’s event has drawn more excellent entries that I can learn a lot from.”


Project presentation.
Many other practical projects include Volvariella volvacea and Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom cultivation in greenhouses; automatic hatching machine; automatic watering; soft skill development solution for students; leftover food remover in lobster farms.
Speaking at the award presentation ceremony, Tran Quang Man, Vice- Director of Khanh Hoa Department of Education, Head of the Jury noted most of the participants are confident when making presentation about his ideas. The jury has highly appreciated students’ hard work and effort in scientific research. Many projects have shown an approach to the 4.0 industry in such sectors as sensors, mechatronic engineering, artificial intelligence, computer science, biologics, and microbiology, etc. These are original steps and premises for students’ creativity to thrive.
However, some students were still confused and not very confident in presentation. Some projects are just suitable for teenager researchers. Some research ideas exceed the school’s support ability in terms of funding and infrastructures.
The contest took place on December 10-12. Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training awarded 69 out of 137 projects, and chose the 6 best projects to advance to the national round. In addition, Nha Trang University also awarded the 69 prize-wining projects and presented special awards to 5 projects by the Departments of Education & Training of Khanh Son and Khanh Vinh districts; awarded all remaining projects and provided funding for all delegates participating in the competition.
Dang Ngoc Le Thy, Vice-Chief of Division of High School Education & Regular Education, Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training says this year’s contest drew many innovative entries. The organizing board invited leading experts of Nha Trang University as members of the jury. 7 out of 18 members of the jury are Associate Professors and PhDs of Nha Trang University.
Besides, within the contest framework, there was a scientific workshop on the scientific research cooperation between the university and high schools. This is an opportunity for teachers to learn and exchange experience in providing support for students in scientific research, promoting scientific research at school and taking good advantage of research resources at universities and scientific research institutes.
In the time to come, Khanh Hoa Department of Education & Training will cooperate with Nha Trang University to organize seminars to develop teachers and students’ scientific research skills and improve students' project quality. In addition, there will be businesses involved in the development of product marketableness. This is considered as a direction for the contest in Khanh Hoa, according to Dang Ngoc Le Thy.
Translated by N.T