05:02, 14/02/2019

Place of career inspiration

Members of the Model Automobile Club of Nha Trang University's Faculty of Transportation Engineering have much professionally matured through practice, helping promote their career inspiration...

Members of the Model Automobile Club of Nha Trang University’s Faculty of Transportation Engineering have much professionally matured through practice, helping promote their career inspiration.
From an appealing contest
The Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Nha Trang University founded an eco-vehicle group 9 years ago. Since then, the group members have participated in the Eco-driving- Energy Saving Contests held by Honda Vietnam. This is the platform for those who wish to introduce their initiatives and technological ideas in the production of vehicles with 4-stroke (also 4-cycle) engines to reduce fuel consumption. The Eco-Motorcycle Group has drawn the participation of more and more students. The Eco-Motorcycle Group has just developed into the Eco- Automobile Club.


Members of the Model Automobile Club concentrate on improving their products.
MA Doan Phuoc Tho, a lecturer of the Faculty of Mechanical Vibrations has provided support and help for students from the first contests. He recalled, the process of manufacturing motorbikes has raised many difficulties and challenges from making designs, the drive control system, brakes, etc. Sometimes, teachers and students thought of stopping because of financial problems. They have to buy some devices in other places in Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi and even abroad. But then their passion has inspired them to navigate through difficulties and try more to gradually improve the fuel supply system and compression ratio, minimize heat waste in vehicles through contests.
“Due to great passion, both teachers and students work overtime to achieve their goals. Sometimes, we stay up late until 2 or 3 am to finish their work. The work is hard but we don’t feel tired because we are doing what we like and have great passion for,” says Lecturer Huynh Trong Chuong, Dean of the Department of Automotive Engineering.
To fuel and satisfy the pursuit of passion, the club members have their own model automobiles. Ngo Xuan Thin, 1 of 4 students of the CNOT group, car technology class says they started to join the contest in 2017 and since then they have continued with other innovative ideas made to the car. They have received much support from their lectures. The car is in a similar design of a nice compact electric car in western countries. The club has also provided great opportunities for the students to share and learn innovative ideas from other competitors.
Towards vocational training
For the past 9 years, the motorbike team of the university has ranked 20th. In 2016, with the product consumption level of 300km/l, the team ranked 5th out of nearly 200 teams. The membership has increased to nearly 40, including freshmen major in electromechanics, marine sciences, mechanical vibrations, etc.
Joining the club for 2 years, Nguyen Nhu Quynh has acquired valuable knowledge and skills. “At first, I didn’t think that I could join the car production. We have received much support from my teachers who have inspired us to greater effort to gain professional maturity”. 
The highest target is not wining the prize in the April contests but giving students chances to explore how what they have learned applies to real world situations, promote soft skills and thus become more confident and professionally matured in the future.
Tieu Mai
Translated by N.T