10:02, 24/02/2019

Suggestion on collector roads to Nguyen Tat Thanh Avenue

Khanh Hoa Department of Transport has just suggested Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee approve the size of collector roads leading to Nguyen Tat Thanh Avenue...

Khanh Hoa Department of Transport has just suggested Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee approve the size of collector roads leading to Nguyen Tat Thanh Avenue passing Cam Ranh Peninsula Tourist Area. Accordingly, collector roads on the two sides of the avenue will be invested by businesses of adjacent projects to help move traffic from local roads to the arterial one, ensure traffic safety and facilitate the implementation of projects.
General planning of collector roads not yet made
The project on Nguyen Tat Thanh Avenue, 60m, running through Cam Ranh Peninsula, has finished with site clearance already completed in adjacent lots, 20m on each side. Nguyen Van Dan, Director Khanh Hoa Department of Transport says Vinpearl Bai Dai Tourist Site has built a collector road. Such resorts as Alma and Golden Peak Nha Trang have received approval for a collector road construction. Other projects such as Eurowindow Nha Trang, a housing zone for military staff’s families, etc have suggested providing their own funding for adjacent collector roads.
However, plots designed for collector roads and green space are not included in the approved detailed 1/500 scale planning and in the 1/2,000 scale investment planning. Therefore, it is essential to give a request for collector road investment to Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee for consideration and approval in principle. Approved collector roads are expected to improve the location of linking points to the arterial route, minimize intersections, facilitate travel and assure traffic safety.


 Nguyen Tat Thanh Avenue.
Collector roads, 20m wide on each side 
As suggested, the collector roads and roadside green space, 20m wide, on each side may be divided into 2 branches, the eastern and western ones. The eastern branch adjacent to resorts and hotels needs green space as road verges to provide amenity and separation of pedestrians from busy traffic. The 20m branch includes a verge: 10m wide, a walk lane: 3m wide and collector road: 7m wide.
On the western branch adjacent to urban zones, trade and service centers, it is essential to widen sidewalks for pedestrians and separation between Nguyen Tat Thanh Avenue and the collector road. The collector road is designed to be 20m wide with a 7m wide walk lane, a 7m wide collector road and a 6m wide verge.
Khanh Hoa Department of Transport has suggested Khanh Hoa People’s Committee assign the management board of Cam Ranh Peninsula Tourist Area to direct investors to assess, approve and implement the construction of collector roads and verges; Khanh Hoa Department of Transport to provide consultancy on the modification of the detailed engineering design of branch roads at tourist sites adjacent to collector roads.
Thanh Nam
Translated by N.T