07:02, 26/02/2019

Tightening funding management of basic construction investment

The 2018 basic construction report in Cam Ranh shows some obstacles in site clearance and capital disbursement in Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa Province...

The 2018 basic construction report in Cam Ranh shows some obstacles in site clearance and capital disbursement in Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa Province. In 2019, the city plans to boost inspection and supervision to meet the  progress of funded  projects. 
Some unfinished constructions
According to Cam Ranh City People’s Committee in 2018, the city invested more than VND12.6 billion, including over VND2.5 billion in education and the remaining in traffic works, infrastructures and public residential zones in projects transferred from the previous year. 26 constructions have been completed and 3 others are underway such as Loc Hai Residential Quarter, the road to the north of the stadium and Tran Quang Khai Street.
Besides, the city has also allocated over VND31 billion to new constructions, including 3 under the city urban development program on lighting on Dien Bien  Phu Street, Nguyen Binh Khiem Street and tree planning in urban areas. Some underway projects such as Phan Boi Chau Street, Tran Nhat Duat Street, D2 Street, etc are facing site clearance obstacles.
In 2018, the province allocated VND32 billion to the implementation of the urban development program. The city has developed 2 constructions funded by the program such as the embankment of Lach Cau 2 and Lach Cau 3 rivers in Ba Ngoi Ward and the embankment of Tra Long River. Some constructions damaged by the recent flooding have been repaired thanks to the central and provincial funding. 9 constructions are completed, 1 underway and 2 others in project investment approval process (supplemental funding by the province), according to the leader of Cam Ranh City Urban management Office. 


Newly-built Le Duan Street.
In 2018, the City People’s Committee directed local departments, agencies, localities and investors to well manage the constructions in terms of effectiveness and quality to remove obstacles, including in site clearance, reports Nguyen Huu Dung, Chairman of Cam Ranh City People’s Committee.
No funding for projects behind schedule 
In 2019, the investment spending funding in Cam Ranh is VND88.5 billion, including VND53.5 billion from basic construction funding and the remaining from the land use revenue. The city expects to allocate more than VND20 billion funding to projects transferred from 2018, over VND55.5 billion to new projects in 2019, according to the leader of Cam Ranh City People’s Committee.
Reportedly, in 2019, the city will hold a construction bidding online for 6 constructions, specifically 3 competitive  packages at Cam Thanh Nam Primary School (a main hall and a 4-classroom block); Cam Nghia 2 Primary School (a functional building and wall fences); Cam Phuoc Dong 1 Primary School (a main hall and a 6-classroom block in Xom Moi school location). In addition, there are 3 bidding packages, including D2 Street, Hoang Van Thu Street and Cam Loc 2 Primary School (an administrative building, blocks of 8 classrooms and 4 functional rooms).
The guidelines of the city in 2019 is to fund projects with investment procedures completed before October 30, 2018 and efficient site clearance work. No budget funding will go to projects behind schedule and with site clearance delay. The city has also asked project investors to actively have detailed spending plans quarterly and submit them to the City People's Committee for capital management based on the progress and budget capacity.
Nhat Thanh
Translated by N.T