04:03, 21/03/2019

Helping build better life for the needy

35 ethnic minority households whose houses were damaged by the Typhoon Damrey in 2019 in Khanh Son District have been provided new home construction grants from Khanh Hoa Provincial Fatherland Front Committee's Relief Fund...

35 ethnic minority households whose houses were damaged by the Typhoon Damrey in 2019 in Khanh Son District have been provided new home construction grants from Khanh Hoa Provincial Fatherland Front Committee's Relief Fund in 2018 and 2019. This program has assisted the disadvantaged in soon recovering from the natural disaster and maintaining stabilization.
The poor family of Tro Thi Ui in Ma O Village, Son Trung Commune with 4 members used to live in a tiny house which was severely damaged in the typhoon. In late 2018, she received a VND50 million grant from the relief fund to build a new house. She also added VND20 million worth of a loan from the District Bank for Social Policies and VNND24 million from her saving to her new house construction to have it larger and more comfortable.


New home construction for the poor.
“The house construction finished on the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2019, so we have spent the New Year holiday in a new house. From now on, we don't have to worry about where to live and feel safe and secure to work to improve life and take good care of our children,” says Tro Thi Ui.
Reportedly, VND1.75 billion is allocated to Khanh Son District from the relief Fund to finance the construction of 35 poor households’ houses destroyed by the typhoon in 2018 and 2019. Each household receives VND50 million and adds at least VND20 million to build a corrugated iron roofed house, 42m2 with enameled tiles. The eligibility priority is given to the poor with seriously damaged houses.
5 poor households in Ba Cum Bac Commune were provided grants from the Relief Fund to rebuild their houses destroyed by the typhoon Damrey. The families have contributed workdays and added more money to make their homes more resilient and comfortable.
3 houses have been completed and 2 others are underway, according to Cao Van Thuy, Vice-Chairman of Ba Cum Bac Commune. Local residents in Khanh Son District are still struggling to recover from the massive damage left by Typhoon Damrey. In general, they have basically overcome the natural disaster consequences.
The house construction funding helps local people to settle down and feel safer and more secure, especially poor households and ethnic minorities. Currently, more than 50% of houses have been completed and put into use. “The houses completed and put into use meet the required quality. We have urged contractors to accelerate construction progress, striving to complete 100% of houses in April 2019,” says Trinh Dinh Ba, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Son District Fatherland Front Committee.
Dinh Luan
Translated by N.T